
Manufacturing Strong City① | To build a stronger chain and reach a higher level, Chengdu's manufacturing industry starts from "new"

來源:jzytyy.com 時間:2024-04-03 09:19:20 編輯:ZhongWang 點擊:

Editor's note

The manufacturing industry is the "ballast stone" of China's economy. In the 2024 government work report, it was also mentioned that efforts should be focused on promoting high-quality development, vigorously promoting the construction of a modern industrial system, and accelerating the development of new quality productive forces……
At the first session of the Chinese New Year this year, Sichuan sounded the strategic horn of revitalizing the province through industry and strengthening the province through manufacturing. Chengdu and other places have become one of the main battlefields for promoting new industrialization, striving to seize the commanding heights of future development and provide strong support for high-quality development.
In 2024, Chengdu will focus on building circles and strong chains, firmly regard industrial and manufacturing cities as the "number one projects" for the development of the real economy, and continue to promote physical enterprises to "be regulated, be listed, go cloud, and go public". According to the plan, by 2025, Chengdu's comprehensive industrial strength will rank among the top ten in the country; By 2035, a strong manufacturing city will be fully built, entering the ranks of trillion yuan value-added cities and becoming an important advanced manufacturing center city in the world. Starting today, Sichuan.China.com.cn will launch a series of reports on topics such as "being regulated", "being listed", "going cloud", and "going public", comprehensively reviewing the achievements and highlights of Chengdu's implementation of the manufacturing strong city strategy.


Assembly,welding,fabricating……On industrial production lines,mechanical equipment starts and turns at high speed,and high-tech equipment such as radio monitoring and drone suppression are gradually"leaving the factory"and sent to various parts of the country.What's even more surprising is that such a highly intelligent and intensive production line is hidden in professional buildings in the city center.
Currently,China's economic development is transitioning towards high-quality development.Breaking away from the high dependence on land sales to drive the"real estate economy"in the past,the"urban industrial economy"has become an important driving force for the high-quality development of trillion GDP cities.The use of"industrial upstairs"to revitalize the limited land resources in urban areas,expand increment,and optimize industrial structure has become a hot topic in economic development across the country.
In Chengdu,28 key industrial chains are scattered everywhere,and"industrial upstairs"is driving on chain enterprises to burst out with vitality.
Industrial upstairs Urban vitality in land efficiency
At the end of last year,Chengdu held the 2023 Modern Urban Industrial Development Conference,displaying the current industrial landscape of Chengdu and showcasing to the world an industrial Chengdu with a profound manufacturing heritage in addition to culture and tourism.It also made people feel the strong momentum of Chengdu's future industrial development and new productive forces.

Image source:Chengdu Release
The person in charge of the relevant department of Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Economic and Information Technology introduced:"In the process of urban development,land is one of the most crucial factors.As a super large city with a population of over 20 million,Chengdu has limited industrial land resources.To achieve sustainable and high-quality development of the manufacturing industry,promoting'industrial upstairs'is an important measure based on the current situation and looking to the future.Its main purpose is to promote the intensive use of land resources,attract factor capital,and stimulate market vitality.At the same time,we also need to clearly see that industrial enterprises have relatively high restrictions and requirements on the industry for their'upward development'.How to screen industries that are suitable for going upstairs?How to divide and transfer property rights?……These are all key issues that need to be addressed at the moment."
In November 2023,the Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources,Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Economic and Information Technology,and Chengdu New Economic Commission jointly issued the Implementation Opinions on Promoting"Industrial Upstairs"(hereinafter referred to as the Implementation Opinions),which standardized the policy of"Industrial Upstairs"in Chengdu and implemented the solutions to the above problems.

Image source:Tianfu Release
In Tianfu New Area,Fengqi Valley Science and Technology Innovation Industrial Park is a typical case of"industrial upstairs".According to the data,Fengqi Valley Science and Technology Innovation Industrial Park follows a one building one industry plan,achieving the production plant with a single-layer height of 8-10 meters,a load of 650-2000kg/㎡,and equipped with 2000-3000kg cargo elevators and lifting openings.The construction area is 145900 square meters,and the production building has reached 11 floors.
The project leader of Fengqi Valley shared,"As a carrier of the'park city',the industrial land in Tianfu New Area is relatively limited.With the support of the provincial and municipal levels,we have learned from the experience of Shenzhen,Singapore and other places,innovatively adopted a'science and engineering'scientific allocation method to solve land property problems,and built an important carrier for the development of'urban industry'and the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in Tianfu New Area."

Image source:Electronic Information Industry Bureau of Chengdu Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone
In Chenghua District,Longtan Industrial Robot Industry Functional Zone follows the concept of"two areas,one core,and three parks",achieving a shift from"flat expansion"to"three-dimensional growth".The"one core"has built 108000 square meters of standard factories,making the digital communication leading industry gather.The total area of the"three parks"built with high standards is about 900000 square meters,and more than 600000 square meters have been built,including Dongguang Artificial Intelligence Valley Industrial Park,Liandong U-Valley Chengdu New Economic Park,and Jindiwei New Industrial Park.Among them,the Liandong U-Valley Chengdu New Economic Park was completed and delivered in 2023,covering an area of 59.77 acres,with a total construction area of 144708 square meters and a available rental area of 118987 square meters.The first floor of the building is 7.2 meters high,with a standard floor height of 4.5 meters.It is an important part of the"One Core,Three Parks"functional layout.
"Now,in addition to land and resource momentum,Chengdu's economic development has also added technological momentum,and'industrial upstairs'is an inevitable trend."said Yu Minghong,Assistant President of Liandong U-Valley Group,who has been deeply cultivating industrial buildings for many years.
Indeed,in the transition period from traditional manufacturing to advanced manufacturing,production and manufacturing are increasingly closely integrated with scientific and technological research and development."Industrial upstairs"frees up space for urban development,releases high-quality urban carriers,and thus highlights the influence and attractiveness of cities.
Industry leading  Professional buildings promote the construction of strong chains and circles
The construction of buildings in the work of"industrial upstairs"is a crucial step in helping to achieve the smooth flow of the industrial chain and the efficient improvement of enterprise production processes.It not only needs to meet the production needs of different enterprises,but also needs to design and integrate aesthetics into the urban interface,which puts higher requirements on building construction.
According to the Implementation Opinions,a maximum subsidy of 3 million yuan per square meter of 100 yuan will be given to newly built or renovated industrial buildings with 3 floors or more;For industrial enterprises that lease standard factory buildings that meet the conditions,starting from the year after meeting the tax requirements per mu in the industrial park(functional area),a maximum rental subsidy of 1 million yuan/year/household will be provided for three consecutive years at a rate of 6 yuan/square meter per month.The district(city)and county governments(administrative committees)may provide corresponding financial support based on the actual development of the region.
At the same time,in the process of professional building construction,Chengdu also leverages market-oriented forces to conduct research on the leading industries and industrial chains in the region,discovering the shortcomings of development supporting facilities such as the"broken chain"position and the"branch chain"associated with leading enterprises,and doing a good job in strengthening and supplementing the chain.

Image source: Wuhou Release
When interpreting the concept of"industrial upstairs",Yu Minghong pointed out that"the work of'industrial upstairs'requires the coordination of various entities in the region to promote the healthy development of the city.As a private platform company,Liandong U-Valley is an assistant to the government and enterprises.While the government empowers industrial enterprises with policies and resources,it also requires the service-oriented means of enterprises to work together."
"Building construction should follow the development demands of the industry."When referring to standardized factory building construction,Yu Minghong said,"In addition to the traditional understanding of the'three major components'of floor height,load,and elevators,platforms also serve enterprises through technological and digital construction methods.The industrial building section ratio,vertical traffic resistance,and industrial production smoke exhaust are all parameters that need to be paid attention to in the design,achieving targeted policies for each production."

Image source:Investing in Tianfu
"At the same time as developing land in Fengqi Valley,we began to assess the industry direction and conduct pre evaluations for target customers.According to the'three first and three supporting'model,we will initiate recruitment with priority,policy support,operation guidance,service support,design priority,and investment support to meet the special production needs of enterprises."The relevant person in charge stated that during the process of connecting with the sensor inspection and testing company,Tianfu Industry Investment Group learned that the company had a need to build a"darkroom",and specially customized a 10 meter high darkroom for it,which solved the targeted needs of the enterprise's production and received praise from the enterprise.
"The'industrial upstairs'should be combined with regional supporting facilities."The project leader of Fengqi Valley added,"The'industrial upstairs'is not only providing a place for enterprises to produce,but also hitting the pain point of attracting scientific research talents in the region and enterprises.It provides more comfortable and convenient working environment for high-end scientific research talents,which is not only close to nature but also embraces the city,bringing the real distance between enterprises and the market closer,and also accumulating scientific research strength for the construction of industrial circles and strong chains."
Enterprise praise  Up and down stairs are the upstream and downstream
The goal of"Industrial Upstairs"is to place research and development,production,and downstream application scenarios in a park and building.Reducing production costs and improving production efficiency are also the biggest driving forces for enterprises to move up the industrial ladder.Even before the release of the Implementation Opinions,some companies in Chengdu had already benchmarking against advanced domestic cities such as Shanghai and Shenzhen,putting urban industry at the forefront.
In Jinniu District,a domestic leading enterprise in the field of satellite Internet has laid out its plan for"industrial upstairs"for a long time,and has a deep understanding:"We started planning for industrial upstairs as early as 2017.The company's product quality has always been in a leading position in China.For the sake of technological innovation,the company needs to build a corresponding platform to attract outstanding talents,improve its core competitiveness,and maintain its technological leadership;secondly,based on the market demand of the company's products,we need to expand production on the basis of the original first mover advantage of the company's products and push them to new markets;thirdly,we need to break through foreign monopoly problems,avoid the risk of import dependence,and complete localization substitution."
The person in charge of the relevant enterprise also added,"During the project construction process,Jinniu District established a dedicated team to coordinate our'industrial upstairs'project.From government procedures to land acquisition planning,from planning fire protection to quality inspection and acceptance,they provided us with corresponding materials and support during the construction process and epidemic period.In addition,Jinniu District actively seeks upstream suppliers to support our company and provides us with a certain proportion of raw material procurement subsidies."
"After going upstairs,we laid out the process according to the requirements of lean production,which brought about an improvement in production efficiency,"the person in charge of the company summarized.

Image source:Wuhou Release
Huari Communication in Wuhou District is a technology-based enterprise that focuses on research and development,and is also an excellent industrial demonstration case in Chengdu.Their relevant person in charge said,"After our company went upstairs,it has driven the improvement of innovation capabilities and technological strength of upstream and downstream enterprises in the industrial chain;reduced land costs;reduced the company's asset pressure,and improved the company's production efficiency."
"In communication with the government,relevant departments have appointed dedicated personnel to coordinate with us and promote policies.They help us to intelligently match with potential enterprises,accurately connect with high technology level and good quality and efficiency on chain enterprises to settle in,jointly help settled enterprises solve problems,provide comprehensive services such as project policy sharing and technical support,and enable chain owners and chain affiliated enterprises to achieve mutual benefit and collaborative development.This has achieved industry and resource docking,fund and entity docking,and technology and market docking.We also feel the government's proactive attitude and determination to serve enterprises."It is reported that the Huari Communication professional building has gathered more than 30 microwave communication enterprises and other enterprises,with multiple service platforms such as enterprise services and policy consulting platforms,testing and inspection platforms.

Image source:Youth Chenghua
In Chenghua District,Megmeet Electric is an ecological service provider for the chain owner enterprise CROBOTP;The reason why Hitachi Scientific Instruments,one of the Fortune Global 500 companies,has settled down is also because it has seen real or potential partners……With the implementation of"industrial upstairs",the effect of strengthening and supplementing the industrial chain has become increasingly evident,and the accumulation of industrial chains is becoming increasingly profound.
The manufacturing industry is the foundation of a country,the foundation of a strong country,and the lifeline of the national economy.
Data shows that in 2023,the added value of industrial enterprises above designated size in Chengdu increased by 4.1%year-on-year;The five advanced manufacturing industries grew by 4.0%;The total social R&D expenditure was 73.326 billion yuan,a year-on-year increase of 16%;The number of high-tech enterprises has exceeded 13000,a year-on-year increase of 13%;The operating income of high-tech industries exceeds 1.35 trillion yuan……
After the start of the new year,the first batch of Chengdu's industrial boutique list in 2024 was released in response to the situation,promoting 100 high-tech and high-quality Chengdu manufactured products to the public view.Manufacturing enterprises boldly stepped forward to express their firm confidence in supporting Chengdu's industrial development.
At present,with the rapid development of technological revolution and new productive forces,the Implementation Opinions provide policy basis for the technical specifications and industrial implantation of industrial upstairs,as well as development guidance for urban industries in various districts and counties.With the enhancement of innovation and development momentum in Chengdu,the three-dimensional growth of the industrial chain,and the emergence of advanced industrial production models,various regions of Chengdu will inevitably form relatively concentrated industrial clusters,ultimately achieving the grand goal of building circles,strengthening chains,and clustering chains.(Du Can, Zhang Xiatong)