

Sichuan shares its expertise to help four African countries battle COVID-19

Source:jzytyy.com Date:2020-04-12 22:45:43Editor:劉婷婷 Hits:

A COVID-19 video conference was held in Chengdu on the afternoon of April 10. One side of the video conference were experts from Sichuan directly involved in epidemic prevention and control and on the other, the head of the health and epidemic prevention departments of Cote d'Ivoire, Chad, Congo (DRC) and Congo (Brazzaville).


Experts in Sichuan communicate online with African counterparts.(Photo/ Sichuan Daily)

At the video conference, experts from the Sichuan Center for Disease Control and Prevention, West China Hospital, Sichuan University and the Second hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Sichuan Province shared Sichuan's practices and experience on COVID-19 prevention and control measures, clinical practice of COVID-19, and how Traditional Chinese Medicine participates in the treatment of COVID-19.


Experts in Cote d'Ivoire communicate online with experts in Sichuan. (Photo/ Xinhua)

"I'm glad to learn from China’s experience in epidemic prevention and control through video conference." Hamit, deputy director general of the Ministry of Health of Chad, said that the video conference was very timely, and Chad would move quickly to train frontline medical personnel and strengthen national health and epidemic prevention.


With the epidemic spreading in Africa, China increases support to Africa in the fight against the COVID-19.( Photo/Xinhua)

According to the foreign affairs office of Sichuan Province, it is hoped that the expert video conference has provided useful lessons and inspiration for four countries in Africa to fight COVID-19.The Foreign Affairs Office of Sichuan Province will, as always, act as a bridge and link, and actively promote more exchanges and cooperation between Sichuan Province and Cote d'Ivoire, Chad, Congo (DRC) and Congo (Brazzaville).

As on April 11, 12,954 cases were diagnosed in Africa, an increase of 730 cases compared with the previous day.(By Edina Liang)